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Skills Act 4 VET in Athens- partners' feedback

During the consortium meeting of the Skills Act 4 VET partners in Athens, in which the Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA) takes part, the participating members made 2 short videos, sharing their feedback and thoughts about the event and the project activities.

The partners from Skills Act 4 VET proejct discussed topics, such as:

Skills Act 4 VET

The International Economic Relations Center (IERC) to Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA) is partner in the project “Skills Act 4 VET” funded by the Erasmus+ programme. The project’s coordinator is Spanish organization “TRIBEKA TRAINING LAB” among other partners are organisations from Italy, Greece and Cyprus. The project aims to define solutions for facilitating the activation of key soft skills during short-term mobility experiences and therefore promoting a conjunct effort of enterprises, schools and training agencies working together on improving the design and overall implementation of short term VET mobility experiences with the sole objective of improving consistently the impact of such experiences on students and organizations.

For more information about the project visit SkillsAct4VET.

Official webpage of the project -

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